Issue 1/1998

Noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus some genetical aspects

Issue: 1/1998 Author: V. Ivanov, Military Medical Academy – Department of Endocrinology Abstract: To establish genetical markers predicting a higher risk for the development of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) we carried out genetic and cytogenetic analysis on a group of 28 NIDDM patients aged 39-60 years. It was found that the percentage of HLA A26 carriers […]

Longitudinal study of microsurgically treated patients with Cushing’s disease

Issue: 1/1998 Author: M. Andreeva, A. Tomova, J. Vergilova, F. Kumanov, S. Zacharieva, M. Orbetzova, K.Karagiozov1, S. Nicolov1, I Clinic, Clinical Centre of Endocrinology and Gerontology 1 State universital „St. Anne", Sofia Abstract: Neurosurgical treatment mainly using transsphenoidal approach have been performed in 101 patients – 18 males and 83 females aged from 14 to 62 yrs for the period […]

Calcium metabolism in patients with exacerbated chronic pulmonary insufficiency

Issue: 1/1998 Author: J. Valcov, V. Lazarova, V. Ilieva, R. Rashkov, Z. Nikitov, K. Triffonov, M. I van ova, G. Prakova, D. Petrova, Thracian University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine, 1 Central faculty Clinical Laboratory, Stara Zagora Abstract: In patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency (CRI) the parameters of Acid-Base Status and degree/form of CRI have […]

Erevaluation of pituitary adenomectomy as a method of treatment in prolactinomas

Issue: 1/1998 Author: M. Andreeva, Ph. Kumanov, A. Tomova, M. Orbetzova, S. Dimitrov1 , Clinical Centre of Endocrinology and Gerontology, Medical University, Sofia 1 Clinic of Neurosurgery, State University Hospital „St. Anne", Sofia Abstract: The study comprises 133 patients with established prolactinoma/122 females, aged 15-53 years (mean age 30,1 ± 0,66 years) and 11 males, aged 20-62 years (mean […]

Twenty years experience with male prolactinomas

Issue: 1/1998 Author: Ph. Kumanov, A. Tomova, M. Andreeva, Clinical Centre of Endocrinology and gerontology, Medical University – Sofia Abstract:  Prolactinomas in men are rare, there is delay in diagnosis and the studies on them are still rather insufficient. For a 20-years period (from 1978 to 1997) we have studied 12 men with prolactinomas (in 81,82% macroprolactinomas). […]

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Journal of the Bulgarian Society of Endocrinology

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