Issue 2/1998

Chronobiological Aspects in Endocrinology

Issue: 2/1998 Author: A. S. Alexandrov Institute of Biophysics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – Sofia   Abstract:  Biological rhythms are inherent to all life organisms and are a necessary condition for their normal life activity. During the last years is observed a rapid development of the methods for their study. The study, explanation, taxonomy and using in […]

Arterial Hypertension in Menopausal Women. Hormone Replacement Therapy in Complex Antihypertensive Treatment

Issue: 2/1998 Author: S. Zacharieva Clinical Center of Endocrinology and Gerontology Medical University – Sofia   Abstract:  The menopause consitutes an important physiological change in women's life and usual¬ly takes place around 51 years of age. Because of the increasing life expectancy, by the year 2000 the women aged 45 and more will con¬stitute about 1/4 of […]

Incidence of Type I (Insulin Dependent) Diabetes Mellitus among Children in Western Bulgaria (1989-1994)

Issue: 2/1998 Author: R. Savova1, K. Kalinov2, S. Chavrakova3, K. Koprivarova1, G. Popova1, S. Goranova4 Abstract:  The aim of this study was to dermine the incidence of type I (insulin dependent) dia¬betes mellitus among children aged 0-14 years in Western Bulgaria. The study included the region of Western Bulgaria with total population of 2 807 000. Two […]

Hyperinsulinemia and its Relationship with Hyperlipidemia and Counter-regulatory Hormones in Patients Surviving Myocardial Infarction

Issue: 2/1998 Author: Kocic R. Clinic of Endocrinology, University of Nis, Serbia, Yugoslavia   Abstract:  The association between free fasting plas¬ma insulin level and myocardial infaction, as well as the correlation of insulin level with hyperlipi¬demia and the level of counterregulatory hor¬mones was studied in 24 patients surviving myocardial infarction but with no history data of diabetes […]

DNA Analysis of the Insulin-Receptor Substrate-1 Gene in a Patient with Severe Congenital Insulin Resistance

Issue: 2/1998 Author: M. Boyanov, M. Petkova*, M. Protich Endocrinology Clinic, Medical University – Sofia *Orthodoxal Polyclinic „Sv. Luca", Diabetes Center – Sofia   Abstract:  Insulin resistance is known to be the result of genetic damage. The Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 (IRS-1) plays a major role in the insulin signal transduction. Aim of this study was to produce […]

Determination of Total Body Water and its Changes during Haemodialysis in Diabetic Patients

Issue: 2/1998 Author: N. Nenchev, E. Marinova, A. Djambazova, K. Todorov Clinical Center of Endocrinology and Gerontology Medical University – Sofia   Abstract:  Determination and attainment of „dry" body weight of normohydration is a principal problem in the treatment of haemodialysis patients. This obtained by extraction of fluids (ultrafiltration) during haemodialysis, associated with extracellular and intracellular volume […]

New Index in Lipidology for Tissues Scavenging from Peroxidised Lipids in Diabetics and Healthy Persons

Issue: 2/1998 Author: P. Angelova-Gateva, M. Petkova*, Y. Vladimirov, V. Krumova* Clinical Center of Endocrinology and Gerontology, Medical University – Sofia *Orthodoxal Polyclinic „Sv. Luka", Diabetes Center – Sofia   Abstract:  The data during the last 10 years demonstrated the important role of the free rad¬ical processes in the development of athero¬sclerosis, coronary heart disease, diabetes melli-tus, […]

(Български) Честота и клинично значение на абтоантителата срещу ретроорбитални мускулни антигени при болни с Тиреоид-Асоциирана Офталмопатия (ТАО)

Sorry, this entry is only available in Bulgarian.

The Prolactin and Non-endocrine Diseases

Issue: 2/1998 Author: R. Robeva, Ph. Kumanov Clinical Center of Endocrinology and Gerontology, Medical University-Sofia   Abstract: Prolactin is a hormone stimulating milk se-cretion and reproductive function. Its biological activity is mediated by specific receptors making part of cytokine receptor family. Prolactin effect on the immune system and oncogenesis is still not well enough clarified. In this […]

Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of Antithyroid Antibodies and Serum Thyroglobulin Levels During Treatment of Graves’ Disease with Methimazole

Issue: 2/1998 Author: J. Gerenova, Y. Vulkov, S. Boeva, K. Halacheva Department of Internal Medicine, Medical Faculty Thracian University, StaraZagora- Bulgaria   Abstract: It is the purpose of the study to assay the clinical relevance of antithyroid antibodies pres-ence, serum thyroglobulin (hTg) concentrations, and their changes in the course of methimazole (M) treatment in diagnozing and prognosticating […]

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Journal of the Bulgarian Society of Endocrinology

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