Supplement to issue 3/2017

Parathyroid Glands and Bone

Issue: Supplement to issue 3/2017 Author: Boyanov, Mihail А. Clinic of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, “Alexandrovska” University Hospital, Sofia Medical University Abstract: PTH, an 84-amino acid peptide hormone syn-thesized by the parathyroid glands, is essential for the maintenance of calcium homeostasis. While in its traditional metabolic role, PTH helps to main-tain […]

Hypothyroidism and Bone

Issue: Supplement to issue 3/2017 Author: Siderova, Mira V., Dimitrova, Radina S., Boyadzhieva Mila B., Hristozov, Kiril H. Clinic of Endocrinology and metabolic diseases; University Hospital “Sv. Marina”; Medical University, Varna Abstract: Thyroid hormones play a crucial role in skele-tal growth and development, peak bone mass acquisition and maintenance of bone mass. Triiodothyronine (T3) plays […]

Secondary Osteoporosis in Thyrotoxicosis

Issue: Supplement to issue 3/2017 Author: Dimitrova, Radina S., Boyadzhieva, Mila B., Hristozov, Kiril H., Siderova, Mira V. Clinic of Endocrinology, University Hospital “Sv. Marina”, Medical University, Varna Abstract: Тhyroid hormones are essential for normal skeletal development, linear bone growth, peak bone mass formation and maintenance of normal bone structure and strength. Thyrotoxicosis causes acceleration […]

Metabolic Syndrome and Bone

Issue: Supplement to issue 3/2017 Author: Petkova, Malina K University Hospital “Lozenetz”, Medical Faculty, Sofia University Abstract: Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a clinical condi-tion composed of anthropometric, physiologic, and biochemical abnormalities that have their own independent effects on bone metabolism. It has been suggested that higher BMD with MS is largely determined by abdominal obesity, […]

VItamin D and Bone

Issue: Supplement to issue 3/2017 Author: Gerenova, Julieta B. Department of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, University Hospital “Prof. St. Kirkovitch” Medical Faculty, Trakia University, Stara Zagora Abstract: Vitamin D is an unique “biomodulator” vitamin because it is mostly made in the skin from expo-sure to sunlight. Vitamin D is biologically inert and metabolized in the […]

Diabetoporosis or Diabetic Osteodystrophy

Issue: Supplement to issue 3/2017 Author: Ivanova, Anna-Maria Borissova “Sofiamed” University Hospital, Medical Faculty, Sofia University   Abstract: Despite the fact that subjects with T2DM have higher bone mineral density (BMD) than nondia-betic population, there is an increasing evidence that they present up to two fold increased risk of fractures. The main explanation of this […]

Bone Mineral Density in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Issue: Supplement to issue 3/2017 Author: Orbetzova, Maria М. Clinic of Endocrinology and metabolic disorders, “Sv. Georgy” University Hospital, Medical Faculty, Medical University, Plovdiv   Abstract: Estrogens play a key role in the development and maintenance of the appropriate bone mass in women, by acting on osteoblasts, as well as on osteoclasts. The main mechanism of […]

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