Metabolic and Atherogenic Parameters in Women with Metabolic Syndrome and Metabolically Healthy Overweight/Obese Women
Issue: 2/2017
Author: Koleva, Daniela Iv.1, Orbetzova, Maria M.
1 Clinic/Department of Endocrinology and metabolic diseases, “Sv. Georgy” University Hospital, Medical Faculty, Medical University, Plovdiv
Patients with metabolic syndrome (MS) are characterized by an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) development due to the presence of a cluster of risk factors such as visceral adiposity, different degrees of glucose tolerance impairment, atherogenic dyslipidemia and arterial hypertension. There has been a great increase in MS prevalence in the last few decades leading to а parallel growth of general population risk of CVD occurrence.
The aim of the study was to assess the risk factors for the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and CVD based on a comparative analysis of glucose and lipid metabolism parameters as well as calculated atherogenic indices/ratios in women with established MS and metabolically healthy overweight/obese women (MHO).
Materials and methods: The study comprised of 52 women with MS (mean age of 37,75±11,38 years and with mean BMI − 34,64±4,81 kg/m2 ) and 22 age and BMI matched metabolically healthy overweight/obese women (mean age of 35,27±9,09 years and with mean BMI − 35,09±3,23 kg/m2 ). The following measurements and laboratory tests were conducted in all the participants: weight, height, waist and hip circumferences, oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) with blood samples for glucose (GLU) and insulin (IRI) measurements obtained 0, 60 and 120 minutes after oral 75 g glucose administration, serum levels of total cholesterol (TC), HDL-C, triglycerides (TG). LDL-C values were determined using the Friedewald equation = {TC – (HDL-C+TG/2,2)}. Body mass index (BMI)=weight(kg)/height(m)2 , waist-hip-ratio (WHR), homeostasis model assessment insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR)=(GLU0′ x IRI0′)/22,5), Castelli risk indices I (TC/HDL-C) and II (LDL-C/HDL-C), TG/HDL-C and atherogenic index of plasma (AIP) = {(logTG)/HDL-C} were calculated.
Results: Comparable values of age and anthropometric parameters were determined in the two investigated groups of women. Significantly higher levels of fasting and stimulated GLU and IRI as well as HOMA-IR values were evaluated in MS women compared to those in MHO women. We found significantly higher serum levels of TG and values of TC/HDL-C, TG/HDL-C and AIP in women with MS compared to MHO women. Serum HDL-C levels were established to be significantly lower in MS participants.
Conclusion: Higher levels of basal and stimulated GLU and IRI, values of HOMA-IR and atherogenic indices/ratios showed a higher risk of T2DM and CVD development in women with metabolic syndrome compared to metabolically healthy overweight/obese women.
Key words: metabolically healthy obesity, blood glucose, insulin,atherogenic indices/ratios